SDG 7: Affordable, Clean Energy

As the global population continues to rise, there is increased demand for access to cheap energy. Dependence on fossil fuels to meet this demand has led to an increased emission of greenhouse gases, which has created adverse and drastic changes to our climate. It is to this cause, that there has been a recent drive […]

SDG 3: Good Health & Wellbeing

  The purpose of SDG 3 is to ensure health and human well-being for all at all stage of life. This goal covers all key health concerns, including reproductive, maternal, and child health; communicable, noncommunicable, and environmental diseases; and universal access to safe, effective, high quality medicines and vaccinations. It also calls for additional research […]

2020/2021 University of British Columbia Mastercard Foundation Scholars Program for study in Canada

Deadline: December 13, 2019 The University of British Columbia is pleased to partner with The Mastercard Foundation Scholars Program to provide comprehensive scholarships to students from Sub-Saharan Africa. The Program provides access to education for academically talented, yet economically marginalized young people. Scholars in the Program have a demonstrated commitment to giving back to their communities and […]

2020 MCW Global Young Leaders Access Program

Deadline: January 5, 2020 The MCW Global’s year-long flagship program is for participants between the ages of 18 to 26, who are prepared to become leaders of positive change in their communities by obtaining tools and skills needed to transform passion into action. MCW is a non-profit organization that addresses communities’ needs by empowering current […]

2020 Wageninge Africa Scholarship Programme

Deadline: February 01, 2020 The Africa Scholarship Programme (ASP) has been initiated by Wageningen University and Research to give talented and motivated students from Africa the opportunity to study in Wageningen. With this programme, Wageningen wants to support capacity building in Africa by attracting excellent students for a 2-years master’s programme. Worth In an effort […]

2020 Global Change Leadership Program

Deadline: November 22, 2019 Applications are now open for the 2020 Global Change Scholarship Program run by Coady Institute’s International Centre for Women’s Leadership in Novat Scotia, Canada. Established in 2011, the Global Change Leaders Program is a seven-week education program offered by Coady Institutes’s International Centre for Women’s Leadership. Worth The Global Change Leaders […]

2020 Egbin Power Plc Industrial Attachment Program for Undergraduates in Nigeria

Deadline: November 24, 2019 EGBIN POWER PLC, Lagos is one of the biggest additions to the electricity industry in Nigeria. Often seen as the biggest single generating power station in subSaharan Africa, it was built to meet the ever-rising demand for electricity in Lagos and its environs. Before the construction of the Egbin Power Plc, […]

Global Fund for Women Call for Application: Adolescent Girls Advisory Council

Deadline: November 25, 2019 Global Fund for Women is a global feminist fund that envisions a world where every woman and girl is strong safe, powerful, and heard. No exceptions. We are a global champion for the rights of women and girls, using grant making and advocacy to propel global movements for girls’ and women’s rights. The Adolescent Girl Advisory Council will play […]

2020 SDSN Youth Local Pathways Fellowship Program for young urban leaders

Deadline: December 15, 2019 The UN Sustainable Development Solutions Network – Youth Initiative (SDSN Youth) announced the launch of the call for applications for the 2020 cohort of its Local Pathways Fellowship program. The Fellowship is one of the world’s leading training and research programs on SDG11 for young urban leaders. It offers the knowledge, resources, and platform […]